apple date morning kichari
(serves 6-8 )
1/2 cup basmati rice
1/2 cup yellow split mung beans, soaked overnight or at least a few hours
4 cups water
2 teaspoons sweet spice mix (recipe below)
2 apples, cored and chopped
4 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Rinse the rice and mung beans well. In a saucepan bring the water, rice and mung beans to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer, uncovered for 15-20 minutes.
Add the spice mix, apples and dates. Cover and simmer 15-20 minutes more, adding more water if needed. The consistency should be of thick oatmeal.
Turn off the heat and stir in the salt and coconut oil.
Let stand for 5 minutes before eating. You can store the kichari in the fridge for 4 days at least.
Top with some fresh chopped apple and date.
Spin offs: Dates can be replaced by raisins. Apples can be replaced by pears.

sweet spice mix
This mixture aids in the digestion of sweet foods. Use this mix in hot cereal, spiced milks, baked goods, and anywhere you want a warm touch.
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons ground ginger
1 tablespoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg (optional)
Mix the ground spices together in a glass jar.